February 23, 2020 – Go Do Good
This past summer, I was privileged to be the speaker at Niagara SERVE, a ministry of Youth Unlimited. SERVE is all about teens getting together, and travelling to cities and towns across North America, serving local communities in the name of Christ. Whether they are working in soup kitchens, running BBQ’s for the homeless, participating in a VBS, cleaning up someone’s yard, painting, clearing brush, sorting clothes, or whatever it may be … they do it as servants of Jesus Christ – putting muscle to the mandate found in Matthew 25.
They work all day, and in the evening, they gather to worship. It’s a beautiful, life changing experience.
Last year, the theme for the SERVE week was, ‘GO DO GOOD’.
Sounds simple enough.
To kick start the week, I shared with the Youth a simple concept. I asked them to look at the letters of the word GOOD.
G stands for GOD.
‘Whatever good you are meant to do, and however you are going to do it, the key is to put God first. Always. Every day. Every moment. Seek Him first. Worship Him only. Put all your trust in Him. Be filled with His Spirit. And by His Spirit, He will lead you, instruct you, encourage you and empower you to do the GOOD He has in store for you to do. And as you serve, you bring Him the glory, and He will do the necessary good in the hearts of those whom you are serving, … and at the same time, bless your heart as well.’
That also takes care of the 2 O’s in GOOD. By putting God first, Others and Ourselves will be blessed by God, to the glory of God. Actually, doing GOOD, I believe, has everything to do with participating in God’s plan for bringing healing to our broken lives and world. True healing. As his children, He has given us the resources we need to follow and minister in His name. We have His Word, we are filled with His Spirit, and have been given the Gospel message to share.* But if God isn’t first in our lives, without His love, we will have given and gained – nothing. (1 Corinthians 13)
The D simply stood for – ‘I Dare you to live this way for one week, and see what happens.’
I Dare you too!
Go Do Good!
*Thank you Steven J. Cole (Bible.org)